Depression Therapy: Your Questions Answered


Depression is a debilitating condition that has a negative impact on your life. Thankfully, effective treatments are available to help you manage your depression and improve your quality of life. One of these treatments is therapy. If you're considering depression therapy, you may have some questions about the process. Read on to find out more!

What is depression therapy?

Depression therapy is a type of psychotherapy used to treat depression. It involves working with a therapist to identify and address the underlying causes of your depression. Therapy can help you to gain an understanding of your thoughts and feelings so you can develop strategies to manage your symptoms.

Who should undergo therapy?

Therapy is recommended for people who display the symptoms of depression. The symptoms include feeling down, hopeless and having no interest in things you once enjoyed.

What should you expect from therapy?

The precise experience of therapy will vary depending on the individual and their particular needs. However, most sessions involve talking about your thoughts and feelings with your therapist. Your therapist may also teach you new skills to cope with depression or provide strategies for managing stress.

How long will you be in therapy?

The duration of the treatment will typically vary from one person to another, according to their needs. Most people benefit from weekly sessions, but some require less frequent visits. The average course of therapy is generally measured in months rather than weeks. However, many people only need a few months of treatment before experiencing improvements in their mood and daily life. 

Are there different forms of therapy?

Examples include cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), interpersonal therapy (IPT) and mindfulness-based therapies. These approaches can be used as a stand-alone treatment or combined with other depression treatments such as antidepressant medication.

Are there any side effects of therapy?

Depression therapy is generally well-tolerated and does not cause harm when undertaken under the guidance of a qualified therapist. However, like all treatments, there are certain risks that you should be aware of before starting treatment:

  • You may experience emotional discomfort during sessions, especially if you're discussing difficult topics for the first time.
  • Therapy sessions may trigger feelings of sadness or anxiety that were previously suppressed by your depression symptoms.
  • Some people drop out of therapy prematurely because they find it too challenging to complete tasks assigned by their therapist.

If you would like to find out more, you should contact a depression therapist today.


3 December 2021

Dealing with Difficult Feelings

Hello, my name is Gary and this is my counselling blog. When I was a boy, my dad was very strict with me. Whenever I got upset, he would tell me not to worry and to keep a stiff upper lip. Any expression of emotion was frowned upon within the household. As a result of this, I never really learnt the skills I needed to properly deal with my emotions. As I got older, I started to drink more and more in order to deal with my feelings of sadness and rage. My friend became worried about me and suggested that I visit a counsellor. It was one the best things I ever did. Talking with someone I trust has really helped me to open up and explore my feelings.